Social Service

KRC held a naturalization clinic on April 20 and assisted naturalization applications.
KRC's 2009 Low-Income Tax Clinic's appointments are full as of February 17th. You may find other tax clinic locations at the IRS website.
이번 주의 소식지에는 드림장학금 안내, 어린이 건강보험 소식, 부모님 모임, Kollaboration 행사, 무료 세금 보고 서비스에 대한 정보가 실려있습니다.
Language Rights Town Hall
Town hall meeting on language rights: public agencies need to provide translation and interpretative services! more information
Got questions? Contact Sunhye Choi
Civic Participation - First Half of 2007
Naturalization Clinics, Mobilize the Immigrant Vote
Low Income Tax Clinic, Law Clinic
From the beginning of this year to date, KRC has provided social services to about 2,500 community members either over the phone or in person. We offered consultations, application assistance, and general help in matters as varied as: affordable health insurance for seniors and children, green card renewals, naturalization, voter registration, welfare, and immigration policies.