Low Income Tax Clinic, Law Clinic
From the beginning of this year to date, KRC has provided social services to about 2,500 community members either over the phone or in person. We offered consultations, application assistance, and general help in matters as varied as: affordable health insurance for seniors and children, green card renewals, naturalization, voter registration, welfare, and immigration policies.
Low Income Tax Clinic
In case you were wondering, KRC’s longest running service is the low-income tax clinic. Between February and April of this year, KRC helped 218 households e-file their tax returns, receiving about $170,000 in refunds, including an EITC amount of $100,929. We very much appreciate all our volunteers’ hard work – thank you!
Law Clinic
Since January, the monthly Free Law Clinic, which KRC and LAFLA co-sponsor, has provided law consultations to 63 low-income community members. Attorney Joann Lee of LAFLA provides law consultations concerning both family law as well as immigration law.