SAVE THE DATE! FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14! You're invited to NAKASEC & KRC's Annual Fundraiser Banquet! 알립니다! 금요일 9월 14일! 미교협와 민족학교 기금 마련 만찬에 초대합니다!

KRC & NAKASEC’s Annual Fundraiser Banquet is coming up in September!!! Let’s celebrate this year’s accomplishments and victories with the community, our supporters, and allies!

Are you interested in volunteering with this celebratory event? Join us for our INFO PLANNING MEETING!!

WHEN: SATURDAY, JULY 28th, 4:00pm
WHERE: Korean Resource Center
900 S. Crenshaw Blvd, LA

Please RSVP to jaye [at] by Friday 7/27.