For Immediate release
June 11, 2007
Mary Gutierrez 213.381.5611 x114
Carolina Guevara 213.637.7253
Dae J. Yoon 323.937.3718
El Cucuy, Cardinal Mahony, to Welcome Northern CA Dreamers On the Eve Before the Dreams Across America Tour Begins: Immigration Tour to Kick-off as the White House Begins Effort to Resurrect Immigration Reform in the Senate
On the eve before the Dreams Across America Tour kicks-off from Union Station in Los Angeles, El Cucuy de la Mañana, Cardinal Mahony and the Los Angeles Dreamers will welcome a delegation of Dreamers from Northern California who will join them on the tour. This event signifies the initial coming together of Dreamers from different regions who will transcend over the country, ending in Washington, D.C. to share their dreams and stories that will exemplify why we need immigration reform in this country.
In eight days (June 13th- 20th) via ten cities, The Dreams Across America Tour will bring together one hundred diverse individuals from throughout the country referred to as Dreamers. These Dreamers will dispel myths, share their compelling stories and reinforce what still holds true today - no matter our backgrounds, immigrant or native born, we all cherish the values that make this country prosper. However, only by working together to address our nation’s broken immigration laws, can we continue to achievexandxlivexthexAmericanxdream.
Cardinal Mahony, El Cucuy De La Mañana, Northern California and Los Angeles Dreamers
Press conference on Tuesday, June 12th @ noon, followed by a cultural program
Placita De Dolores on Alameda St.
(Across the street from Union Station)
800 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles