March 21, 2007
English: Jorge-Mario Cabrera (562) 243-5559
Spanish: Gerardo Velazco (818) 448-2778
Korean: Yongho Kim (323) 244-5309
News media are advised of the following press opportunity and information.
Hundreds of Volunteers Sign Up to Support Immigration Reform Forum Where Thousands Are Expected
Volunteer training and set-up activities. Opportunity to speak with volunteers on why they are giving of their time and skills to Sunday's Forum.
Volunteers participating in Sunday's First Annual Immigrant Communities Forum "Justice for Our Families Now" and community organizers will be conducting set-up activities, trainings, and orientations to the facilities.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
5:30 pm
LA Sports Arena, 3939 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90037. (Figueroa entrance).
Elected officials, including US Congressman Luis Gutierrez, CA Assembly Speaker Fabián Nuñez and LA Mayor Antonio Villarraigosa, will participate in the First Annual Forum of Immigrant Communities "Justice for Our Families Now" to be held on March 25 at the LA Sports Arena from 10 am to 3 pm.
The Forum is scheduled exactly one year after the first massive marches took place in Los Angeles and other urban centers throughout the United States and it is intended to educate, celebrate, and mobilize immigrant communities. Mixed with live entertainment, community leaders, and elected officials, participants will learn about the citizenship process, voter registration, and what an immigration reform would look like. In lieu of an admission ticket, community members are asked to bring a blank envelope and a .39 cent stamp. More than 10,000 participants are expected.
More than 250 volunteers will be needed in various areas including food, emergency services, booths, media, stage crew, and others.