Immigrant Rights
March 24, 2008
Becky Bae, NAKASEC 323-937-3703 x209
DHS re-affirms its implementation of the SSA no-match rule WITHOUT CHANGE!
Joint Announcement by:
National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)
Korean American Resource & Cultural Center, Chicago
Korean Resource Center, Los Angeles
YKASEC – Empowering the Korean American Community, Flushing
2008년 3월 24일
베키 벨코어, 한인교육문화마당집, 773-506-9158
이은숙, 미주한인봉사교육단체협의회, 323-937-3703
문유성, 청년학교, 718-460-5600
윤대중, 민족학교, 323-937-3718
“SAVE Act Won’t Save Anyone”
코리안 아메리칸은 반이민 법안을 통과시키려는 입법 시도를 중단할 것을 요구한다
8th Annual Archdiocesan Mass In Memory of Cesar E. Chavez
Cesar Chavez Mass Event Flyer
Sunday April 6, 2008
Cathedral Our Lady of the Angels
555 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012