A federal courtroom up in oakland this morning is the setting for a showdown between immigrant advocates and attorneys for United States government the story now from K pieces seized don't focus on lopez at issue was a proposal by the Trump administration to make it harder for immigrants to settle in this country if they have or are likely to use food housing or other publicly funded benefits it's called public charge rule today 3 separate lawsuits seeking to block it before it goes into effect in two weeks that lays Korean resource center is a plaintiff in one of the suits Jenny son the gr
An Oakland federal courtroom on Wednesday will be the scene of the latest confrontation between the Trump Administration and its opponents. U.S. District Court Judge Phyllis Hamilton is scheduled to hear arguments for and against blocking the so-called public charge rule, which was officially released two months ago.
"Just the other day, one of our residents here, in our affordable senior housing, she came down and told me that she had disenrolled from Medi-Cal because she is sponsoring her son [for a green card]," said Jenny Seon, the immigrant rights project director at the Korean Resource Center in Los Angeles. "She's actually a U.S. citizen. I helped her re-enroll because I explained to her that it doesn't apply to her. And she was very convinced that it would affect her son's application."