
KRC held a naturalization clinic on April 20 and assisted naturalization applications.
According to the most recent Department of Homeland Security statistics for 2014, out of the 190,000 Korean lawful permanent residents eligible to naturalize, only 7.7% about 14,600 have actually obtained their citizenship. In other words, nine out of ten people are giving up their right to acquire their citizenship. In 2017, a total of 14,643 Koreans obtained their citizenship and 5,057 of them were California residents. The same year, KRC provided free naturalization consultations to 3,350 people and assisted 880 permanent residents to apply for naturalization. In order to participate and vote in next year’s presidential election, naturalization will be an important task for many Korean immigrants.
Receive free of charge assistance with your naturalization application. Don't wait, become a US Citizen now! Call 323-937-3718 x 4 to make an appointment.
On Saturday, March 26th, KRC and KABA (Korean American Bar Association) held a joint Workshop for the Korean community in Los Angeles. We had 43 youth, senior, and attorney volunteers. In total, we assisted over 120 community members and processed 107 applications. We are especially proud to have assisted over 45 applicants with fee waivers.