Monday's Korean American Newspaper Headlines

Korea Daily

Korea Daily Front Page 4-13-09


- Another Korean American Shot by the Police in Folsom near Sacramento (related stories)
Original: 또 경찰 총에 한인 사망…북가주서 전기총으로 제압뒤 수갑 채우고: 집에서 칼 들어 가족이 신고 '우울증 알렸다'

-Family of Korean American Shot to Sue Police: "Daughter in the car" incident - attorney chosen
Original: 피살 여성 유가족 '경찰 소송' : '유아 동승차서 참변' 사건 변호사 선임
(This is a different incident that occurred last week)

- [Historic Archives] First Fighter Pilot of Korea was Korean American Freedom Fighter
Original: 상해 임시정부 90주년, 한국 첫 전투기 조종사, 미주출신 독립군이었다

- Cabrera wins PGA Masters: detailed article in the Sports Section

- Koreatown "Unlimited Meat" to target Mainstream Market: detailed article in the Economy Section

Articles of Interest

- Foreign Patient Authorization Law to take effect in South Korea next Month... Hospital Treatment Tour is "Hot" among Koreatown Travel Agencies
Original:외국환자 유치 허용법 내달 한국서 시행…타운 여행사 ‘불붙는 의료관광’

- IT Companies Urge Immigration Reform "We Risk Losing High Skilled Labor": Korean visitor students expect benefits
Original: 이러단 인재 다 놓쳐…IT업계 '이민법 개혁을': 한인 유학생 혜택 기대

- Interviewing the Korean American Professional Interpreter's Association President Koo: there are no problems with courtroom interpretation
Original: [인터뷰] 한인전문통역사협회 구관모 회장: '법정 통역서비스 문제 없어요'

- Reporter Column: Spring winds of change for Korean American illegal visitors (Sang Tae Choi)
Original: [기자 칼럼] 한인 불체자에 부는 '봄바람' (최상태)

Korea Times

Korea Times Front Page 4-13-09


- You Can't Shoot a Mom who is Driving with her Baby!: Korean American Organizations demand meticulous investigation of police shooting
Original: 아기태운 엄마에 경찰이 총 쏘다니 한인사회 “강력 대응": 한인회 등 단체들 철저한 진상조사 촉구

- Prosecutor Cites Yang-sook and Roh Geon-ho for Investigations on Corruption Charges: detailed news in South Korea Section (related news)
노건호, 권양숙 검찰 소환 조사

- This Time a Korean Man is Shot to Death by Police near Sacramento
Original: 이번엔 한인 남성 경찰 총맞고 사망: 새크라멘토 인근

- Angel Cabrera Wins Masters

- Child Accidentally Killed in Korean American-owned Carwasher (related news)
Original: 한인 세차장 어린이 참변: LA 버몬트-5가

- Young-nak Church Remembering the Meaning of Easter
Original: 부활의 참 의미 되새기며

Articles of Interest

- New York Times points to Unrealistic Immigration Laws preventing High Skilled Labor Recruitment (this refers to this article)
Original: 까다로운 이민법이 해외인재 유치 막아: 뉴욕타임스 지적

- Let's Keep Korean Studies Department Alive in UC Berkeley: 100 Korean American Alumni, Students and Community Members gather to brainstorm
Original: “전통의 한국학 강좌 살리자”: UC 버클리 동아시아 어문학과·동문 등 한인 100여명 특별모임

- Rep. Betty Brown of Texas Apologizes for Racist Comments (related articles)
“아시안, 미국식 이름으로 바꿔야” 텍사스 주의원 인종차별 발언: 비난일자 이틀만에 사과