Starting today, I will try to give you a quick taste of what's hot in the headlines for the major papers in the Korean American community in Los Angeles.
- Korean Drug Company's "Asbestos Shock", also Sold in Los Angeles: sales without FDA approval - recall and cease of sales complicated '석면 파동' 한국 의약품…LA서도 유통 (this Joongang Daily article explains the gist of what's going on in Korea)
- Children pray on Easter 부활절…기도하는 동심
- Blue House delivered 1 million dollars on a fast track process 100만불 신속환전 청와대서 돈 전달 (a series of articles that are coming up regarding a corruption scandal of former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun)
- Obama to reveal immigration reform plan next Month: focused around “relief for illegals” - plans to introduce legislation in Fall (오바마 이민개혁안 내달 공개)
- Termecula's "Flower Town" shooting suspect kept guns for years '꽃동네' 총격 용의자 수년간 권총 보관
Other articles of interest:
- Shortage of H1B visas 학사용 H-1 B 신청, 4만여건으로 미달 A2
- Coalition Demands Vote-by-Mail for South Korean oversea polls '우편투표 강력 요구' 참실련 출범
- OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen "I will meet regularly with Korean Americans" OC수퍼바이저 재닛 우엔 '한인들과 정기적 만남 갖겠다' A14
- Anti-immigrant sentiment and Driver's Licenses 반이민 정서와 운전면허증 A21 (Op-Ed on SB67 by Korea Daily's Atlanta Economy Section Editor)
- Immigration reform drive including pardon to illegal residents: Bi-partisan negotiations to start soon - a bill is expected within the year
불체자 사면 포함 이민개혁 ‘드라이브’
- H-1B applications fall sharply by 62% (H-1B 신청 62% 급감)
- Korea Times's Hollywood Bowl Music Festival 꿈의 무대 위대한 콘서트
- "Life's Hard" 60 year old Korean American man hangs himself at shopping mall “살기 힘겹다” 샤핑몰서 목매
Other articles of interest:
- OPT to be automatically extended upon receipt of H-1B (H-1B 접수증 받으면 OPT 체류 자동연장) A2