Thursday's Korean American Newspaper Headlines

Korea Daily

Headlines (Upper Half)
Korean American Hotel Owner Shot Wife and Commits Suicide: another economic crisis tragedy? May be related to business failure

Korea Daily Ad: "효" (Hyo, respect to parents) Essay Campaign

Santa Barbara Fire Expands

UC San Diego Sends Rejection Letters to Accepted Pool

Korean American Immigration to the U.S. Drops 53% Compared to Last Year

Headlines (Lower Half)
Fairfax High Returns to Classes: Student confirmed to only be possibly infected with "new flu"

Korea Times

Korean American in His 60's Kills Wife and Commits Suicide: was depressed with the economic recession "running the hotel became too problematic"; San Diego Young-Duk Choi, used gun at living room

Major Fire in Santa Barbara Burns Houses Completely: expands to the city on the 6th

Headlines (Lower Half)
"Cracking Illegal Immigration First, Amnesty Later": Obama increases border security budget

Man Kills Partner and Son and Commits Suicide: 40 year old man in Orange County

Stamps Now 44 Cents: starting May 11th