CONTACT: Clarissa Woo (Stop the Cuts!)
Office: (213) 977-5241
Los Angeles Officials and Community Members Call on State to Make Economic Stimulus Plan Work
Pulling the "Trigger" Will Leave Federal Money on the Table
Los Angeles, CA - The State Treasurer and Director of Finance are now in a position to impose "Trigger Cuts" in the state budget totaling nearly $950 million of further losses to essential programs. These cuts would further devastate the most vulnerable in our communities by endangering critical services, less than two months after California passed close to $15 billion in cuts to health care, education and social services. These cuts cause further harm to an economy that needs improvement. Now is not the time to diminish our investment in LA's communities.
When: March 25, 2009 - 11:00 a.m.
Who: Jan Perry, Los Angeles City Council
Richard Alarcon, Los Angeles City Council
Ed Reyes, Los Angeles City Council
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas, Los Angeles County Supervisor
Representatives from the Stop the Cuts! Coalition
Patients, In-Home Supportive Service Workers, Teachers and others affected by the trigger cuts.
Where: Los Angeles City Council, South Lawn
200 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Why: At a time when the economic downturn has made L.A. County's residents more vulnerable than ever, the looming trigger cuts will disproportionately impact Los Angeles' most underserved, including seniors, people with disabilities, and low-income community members. Community members and local elected officials will call on the State to stop additional "trigger" cuts that would impact local services. The cuts would:
* Eliminate optional Medi-Cal benefits, including adult dental, podiatry and psychology.
* Reduce SSI/SSP grants $20 per month for individuals and $35 per month for couples.
* Reduce CalWORKS grants by 4%.
* Cap wages of In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) workers at $9.50 per hour and place more of a burden on those receiving care.
* Reduce funding for UC and CSU by an additional $100 million
* And more...
Stop the Cuts! is an alliance of community organizations and organized labor fighting for a fairer state budget that meets the needs of all communities and workers. Stop the Cuts! members oppose all cuts to education and health and human services because any cuts to vital services hurt all Californians. Member organizations include the ACLU of Southern California, ACORN, Asian Pacific American Legal Center, California Partnership, CHIRLA, Coalition LA, Community Clinics Association of Los Angeles County, Crystal Stairs, Health Access, LIFETIME Parent Voices, Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness, Maternal and Child Health Access, Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles, SEIU, Southern California Rehabilitation Services, United Teachers of Los Angeles, and others.