English Class for Naturalization, Contaminated Fish Education and Outreach, Credit Education, Summer Youth Empowerment Program
English Class for Naturalization
In partnership with the LA Trade-Technical Community College, nineteen Korean Americans participated in our Spring Naturalization classes. These free classes, which were held between February 15 to May 24, taught students more about American history, government structure and role, and the importance of civic participation. Students also engaged in mock-interviews in preparation for the required exam. If you would like to take our English class for Naturalization, the next session will begin in the Fall.
Contaminated Fish Education and Outreach
Since 2002, KRC has been talking to the community about the dangers of contaminated fish in Los Angeles County. This year, we launched the “Safe Fish, Healthy Community Campaign.” Each Korean market who signs on the campaign is effectively declaring it buys fish from reputable sellers and pledges to sell only healthy fish. We held a press conference in front of Hannam chain Market (one of the partnering markets) to inaugurate the campaign, educating the Korean-American community about contaminated fish, and fish safety in Korean markets. In addition, KRC conducted a survey with the FCEC about the fish eating habits of women between the ages of 18-49. We hope our efforts will promote healthier eating habits throughout the area.
Credit Education
KRC's affiliate, the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) has helped national lender Freddie Mac publish some of their guide books in Korean. Translated titles, which are: "Steps to Homeownership," "Homeowner's Benefits and Responsibilities," "The Importance of Good Credit," were unveiled during a join press conference on June 14th. In addition to the credit seminars NAKASEC is holding nationally, KRC held its first credit seminar on June 28, where seventeen participants learned more about the importance of good credit. KRC is also distributing the translated guide books, for those who are interested in learning more about homeownership and good credit.
Summer Youth Empowerment Program
Nine junior and high school Korean American students graduated from the Summer Youth Empowerment Program on August 16th. Youth learned about the 4.29 Los Angeles Civil Unrest, Korean American immigration and racism, and put in practice what they learned by going to Korean American markets collecting 370 signatures for picture postcards for the passage of the DREAM Act. They honed their Korean (or English) language skills by doing practice conversation sessions, and learned the techcal and messaging techniques of producing a video documentary on the immigrant experience of Korean Americans - "Two Homes, One Heart" which was premiered at the graduation and will be posted on YouTube.