Congressional Asian Pacific American and Hispanic Caucuses Endorse the Dreams Across America Tour


For Immediate release
June 15, 2007

Mary Gutierrez 213.381.5611 x114
Carolina Guevara 213.637.7253
Dae J. Yoon 323.937.3718

Congressional Asian Pacific American and Hispanic Caucuses Endorse the Dreams Across America Tour

(Forth Worth, TEXAS) – Hee Pok Kim and Maria Elia Molina, two of a hundred Dreamers taking part in the Dreams Across America Tour, issued the following statement today in response to the news that the Congressional Asian Pacific American and Hispanic Caucuses have endorsed the Dreams Across America Tour”.

Maria Elia Molina:

“To this day, I continue to work in the fields packing oranges, lemons and grapefruits. It’s not always easy working in 110 degree weather, but I’ve done it for 37 years. It’s this type of work that has helped me contribute to this country and support my son as a single mother.

“I’ve accomplished my dream of seeing my son grow up to be a respectable man. I raised him to love this country. It’s because of this love that he decided to join the U.S. Air Force and fight for the freedoms we cherish. He just returned from Iraq in January.

“I thank the Congressional Hispanic and the Asian Pacific American Caucuses for acknowledging my dream and that of millions of immigrants and Americans by endorsing the Dreams Across America Tour today. It’s only when our elected leaders stand with us, that we can all truly have a chance at reaching our American dreams.”

Hee Pok Kim:

“The love for my children is what brought me to this country 19 years ago, but it’s been my strong passion for civil activism that has kept me fighting for those that need it the most.

“In Korea, my parents were fighters in the independence movement. Those times were difficult for my family, but it taught me the importance of activism. Today, I am an activist in my community, fighting for programs that benefit the residents in my State of California.

“In endorsing the Dreams Across America Tour, the Congressional Hispanic and the Asian Pacific American Caucuses recognize that immigrants and Americans are really just people with the same hopes and dreams – people who just want a chance at reaching their American dreams.”

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To view Hee Pok Kim’s story online please visit, story

To “Get on the train” to share your story, sign the petition or to

learn more about the Dreams Across America Tour please visit: