우리말 English
7/9 - 8/16
Mondays through Thursdays
2:00 - 5:00 pm
Cost: $50

documentary making
iMovies, digital camcoders, framing a message, oh my! learn how to tell a story with motion pictures.
understanding politics
how did Korean Americans immigrate to the U.S.? what is our history? how can people gain power?
working with the community
why do some people have a lot, while others don’t? or why are some people treated differently than others?
our language and culture
hone your Korean language or English language skills! learning the language opens many doors for Korean American youth.
2006 Summer Youth Empowerment Program Ad
The below video was created by students of the 2006 Summer Youth Empowerment program to promote the program.
Questions:Yongho Kim 323-937-3718 yongho [at] krcla.org