Students Share their Dreams and Immigrant Stories Using YouTube on the Dreams Across America Website


For Immediate release
June 07, 2007

Mary Gutierrez 213.381.5611 x114
Carolina Guevara 213.637.7253

Students Share their Dreams and Immigrant Stories Using YouTube on the Dreams Across America Website

Effort part of a public awareness campaign in support of immigration reform

(Los Angeles) – Several students at Animo South Los Angeles Charter School were taught how to share their dreams and immigrant stories today using YouTube on This effort is part of the Dreams Across America Tour - a public awareness campaign to share personal stories focused on educating , dispelling myths, and giving real facts about the need for government to help all of us build a better future by fixing our broken immigration laws. The tour begins on June 13th from Union Station in Los Angeles.

“What is unique and dynamic about this tour is that ordinary people like myself can share our dreams with millions across this country in one central location on the web,” said Luz Diaz, a former Navy Reservist who immigrated from Mexico at four years of age and was undocumented for 20 years. “The best way to talk about immigration is by sharing our personal stories. We are asking the rest of America to do the same.”

While the Dreams Across America Tour will give the opportunity to dozens of individuals to share their stories with America via an eight city tour, those not taking part can share their stories by going to They can also follow the dreamers online as they make their journey to Washington, D.C to share their dreams with Members of Congress. The site currently features the stories from El Cucuy, Arianna Huffington, Cardinal Roger Mahony, Sony Pictures Chairman and CEO Michael Lynton, Speaker of the California Assembly Fabian Nunez, and many others across the U.S.

“I think it’s cool that we can put our videos about our lives and dreams on YouTube and be part of the tour,” said Maria Jose Pena, a 15 year old high school student. “My mom is an immigrant and she has a story too. I’m going to get her to tell her story.”

In eight days (June 13th- 20th) via ten cities, the tour will bring together one hundred diverse individuals from throughout the country referred to as Dreamers. These Dreamers will share their compelling stories and reinforce what still holds true today - no matter our backgrounds, immigrant or native born, we all cherish the values that make this country prosper. However, only by working together to address our nation’s broken immigration laws, can we continue to achieve and live the American dream.

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