Leo Lee doesn't support our community.
We are proud of Koreatown.
We are proud that in our community, we take care of each other. When our neighbor is sick, we're there to help. When our neighbor is in need, we're all willing to pitch in.
That's what a good community does.
But Leo Lee, the new owner of the Wilshire Plaza, doesn't understand that.
He recently cut the pay of his employees, so they make barely above the minimum wage. He eliminated healthcare benefits, even while some employees were going through critical medical treatments, like Zoila Menéndez, who has had to put treatment for cancer on hold. Lee has even gotten rid of meal breaks.
Leo Lee doesn't understand how a community works. And he certainly doesn't understand how our community works.
He doesn't support our community.
Our community shouldn't support Leo Lee.
Boycott Wilshire Plaza Hotel.