Immigrant Day Videos and Photos

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Immigrants and allies gathered in Sacramento on May 21st for a day of legislative action and rally at the State Capitol for legislation for the improvement in the lives of all.
Immigrant Day 5-21-07 (61) Immigrant Day 5-21-07 (77)

Photo Caption: (left) Speaker of the Assembly Fabian Nunez addresses the rally participants and emphasizes the need to provide health care for all Californians. (right) Miss. Choon-Ja Chung (KRC) spoke as a grandmother on the importance of having universal health care coverage for all children in California regardless of immigration status.

Thirty-one Korean American community members from the Korean Resource Center raised their concerns as representatives of the Korean American community of Los Angeles. During the rally, Miss Choon-Ja Chung spoke as a grandmother on the importance of having universal health care coverage for all children in California regardless of immigration status. Our demands were:

- Increase budget for the Naturalization Services Program (NSP) from $3 million to $5 million.
- Oppose the governor's proposal to reduce CalWORKS eligibility.
- Support Universal Health Care Coverage for All Children (SB32/AB1)
- Support for KRC's Language Access Campaign so that seniors may receive Medicare and Medi-Cal notices in their own language.

Immigrant Day 5-21-07 (52) Immigrant Day 5-21-07 (10)

Photo Caption: (left) Korean American delegation meets Assembly Majority Leader Karen Bass's Staff. (right) Korean American delegation shout "Immigrant Rights are Human Rights" with Assembly Member Mike Davis.

The Korean American delegation visited Assemblymember Mike Davis, Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas, Senator Ed Hernandez, Senator Sheila Kuehl, Assembly Majority Leader Karen Bass, Senator Jenny Oropeza.

Here are the participants' stories:

Language Access

Soon-Ok Kang, age 74, speaks on the need for language access and the demand to have Medi-Cal and Medicare letters sent in peoples' own languages.

Immigrant Day Training 5-20-07 (12)

Health Care for All

Choon-Ja Chung speaks on the need to reform the health system so that health care may be offered to all peoples, including children.

Immigrant Day Training 5-20-07 (9)

Oppose Naturalization Fee Hikes

Hwang-Jin Sean speaks on the unacceptable naturalization fee hikes.

Immigrant Day Training 5-20-07 (11)

Passage of the Californa DREAM Act

Tae-Soon Jeon speaks for the passage of the CA DREAM Act.

Immigrant Day Training 5-20-07 (10)

Participants Training