Chol Soo Lee Symposium
“Justice on Trial: The Battle to Free Chol Soo Lee”
UCLA School of Law, Room 1347
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Saturday, April 7, 2007
12:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
On April 7, 2007, The K.W. Lee Center for Leadership will host a historic symposium on a landmark legal case that freed Korean immigrant Chol Soo Lee from death row, entitled “Justice on Trial: The Battle to Free Chol Soo Lee” in collaboration with the UCLA School of Law Critical Race Studies.
In 1973, Chol Soo Lee was wrongly convicted of murdering a gang member in San Francisco’s Chinatown. He was imprisoned for 10 years, 4 of those on San Quentin’s death row, before his exoneration in 1983. Investigative reporter K.W. Lee, who wrote over 120 stories about the Chol Soo Lee case, is widely credited with spawning one of the first national pan-Asian American community organizing movements in the country with international support. Volunteer activists around the country formed the Chol Soo Lee Defense Committee, which was comprised of immigrants, students, seniors, social workers, and church members, with branches in San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and New York.
The Chol Soo Lee Symposium will bring together Chol Soo Lee, K.W. Lee, the legal team, and Chol Soo Lee Defense Committee members to speak about the legal fight and the community struggle to free an innocent man.
Confirmed Speakers:
Keynote Speakers
Chol Soo Lee
K.W. Lee
Panel Speakers
Stuart Hanlon (attorney for retrial of criminal case)
Leonard Weinglass (attorney for habeas corpus)
Scott Johnson (jury foreman for retrial of criminal case)
Josiah Tink Thompson (private investigator for criminal case and habeas corpus)
Peggy Saika (Chol Soo Lee Defense Committee member)
Warren Furutani (Chol Soo Lee Defense Committee member)
Tom Byun (Korea Times reporter)
Limited Seating:
The symposium location, UCLA School of Law, Room 1347, has limited seating so please register as soon as possible. Download the registration form here.
For More Information or Questions:
If you have questions or would like more information about the symposium, please contact Do Kim at dokim [at] or at (310) 396-0731.
The K.W. Lee Center for Leadership
PO Box 70308
Los Angeles, CA 90070