Report Back: Korean American New Orleans Solidarity Trip

Between June 19 and June 23, a delegation of Korean Americans from NAKASEC and its affiliates (the Korean Resource Center in Los Angeles, the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center in Chicago, and YKASEC in NY) traveled to New Orleans to learn about and work alongside African American and immigrant communities who are struggling to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. 
The Los Angeles delegation will be presenting and facilitating a discussion on:
  • What happened to poor and people of color communities in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath;
  • What  the current situation is almost \n one year since the disaster; and \n
  • How the PEOPLE are empowering themselves \n to rebuild their lives and homes with or without government \n assistance.
DATE: \nFriday, July 7
TIME:  7:00 PM
PLACE:  Korean Resource Center (900 \nS. Crenshaw Blvd. LA, CA 90019)
* Light Refreshments will be Provided
\n \n
For more information on some of the groups that \nare organizing the community:
People\'s Organizing Committee:
Citizens for a Strong New Orleans \nEast:
Morna Ha
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  • What  the current situation is almost one year since the disaster; and
  • How the PEOPLE are empowering themselves to rebuild their lives and homes with or without government assistance.
  • DATE: Friday, July 7
    TIME:  7:00 PM
    PLACE:  Korean Resource Center (900 S. Crenshaw Blvd. LA, CA 90019)
    * Light Refreshments will be Provided
    If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please email Morna Ha at mha [at]">mha [at]
    For more information on some of the groups that are organizing the community:
    People's Organizing Committee:
    Citizens for a Strong New Orleans East: