Expand Children's Health

Action Alert
Expand Children's Health

Dear SCHIP Campaign Supporters,

We were really happy to announce that we will exhibit
60 children's paintings
for the America's Future Starts with
Healthy Children exhibition in Washington DC on Jan 23 (Rayburn
House, congress building) and Jan 26-27, 2009 (Union Station).  If
you are around, please come join us for the celebration of our opening
on Jan 23 and Jan 26, 2009.

We are writing you because we need your voice.   

The purpose of our exhibit is to touch the hearts and minds of
Congress members in Washington, D.C. to promote health care for
all kids.

The time to act is now. We recently learned that the State Children's
Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) will be reauthorized soon in the
U.S. Senate.  But they are leaving out legal immigrant children
and pregnant mothers who currently have to wait five years before
they can participate in SCHIP.   

Please call your Senators and ask them to vote NO if SCHIP leaves
out legal immigrant children and pregnant women.  Five years
is a lifetime to wait for a sick child.

Below is a sample script you can use. After you make that call, please let us know
how the conversation went (hkim [at] nakasec.org,
g [at] nwfco.org). THANK YOU.

More information is available at iwanttobehealthytoo.org/108


Juyeon, Isaac, G, Bret & Hemi
The America's Future Starts
with Healthy Children Campaign

P.S.  Contact Sookyung (soh [at] nakasec.org) if
you're interested in sending in a letter to the editor to your local
newspaper, your editor in response to any articles about SCHIP.
 Your letter would be a personal perspective of your participation
and personal experiences.

PLEASE CALL: 1-800-828-0498 or (202) 224-3121

    Call the Congressional switchboard (toll-free) and for "Senator
    _______ 's office, please."

    Hi, my name is __________ and I live in ____[town]_____ [state].
    I'm calling to let Senator _________ know that I'm participating
    in an Art Exhibit that will be shown in the Rayburn House Office
    Building and Union Station the week of the inauguration. The
    exhibit, "America's Future Starts with Healthy Children,"
    showcases the importance of making sure all children have health

    I'm calling to make sure Senator __________ is supporting
    the bill to reauthorize SCHIP, and especially the removal of
    the 5 year waiting period for legal immigrant children. No child
    should have to wait for health coverage, and 5 years is a lifetime
    to a child.

    Will the Senator support removing this waiting period?


어린이의 건강보험을 지킵시다.

어린이 건강보험 캠페인 지지자 여러분,

안녕하십니까? 미국의 미래는 건강한 어린이들에게서 시작됩니다
캠페인에서 시작한 어린이 그림 전시회에 많은 어린이들이 작품을 보내
주었습니다. 저희가 선생님께 이 편지를 드리는 이유는 미국에 거주하는
분으로써, 미국정부에 거주민의 목소리를 내어 주십사 하는 것입니다.

저희 어린이 건강 그림 경연대회의 목적은 워싱턴 디씨에 있는 상하원
국회의원들의 마음을 움직여 모든 어린이들이 의료 보험을 받을수 있도록
해달라고 하는데 있었습니다.

현재 어린이 건강 보험 프로그램 법안이 상원에서 곧 재승인 될 것
같습니다. 그러나, 합법적 이민자이나 영주권을 획득한지 5년 이하 인경우의
임산부와 어린이를 제외하는 안이 될 가능성이 높습니다.

캘리포니아 주의 상원의원 (타주의 경우는 해당주)에게 전화를 하셔서,
합법적 이민자인 영주권자 어린이와 임산부를 제외하는 어린이 건강
보험 법안에 찬성하지 말아 달라고 전하십시오. 몸이 아픈 어린이에게
5년동안 기다리고 참으라는 것은 평생동안 참으라는 말과 같습니다.

아래에 전화를 하실경우 말씀하실 내용이 있습니다.  전화를
하신후 전화받은 분(상원의원, 비서, 내지는 사무실 스텝)의 대답을
저희에게 알려 주십시오. 즉, 상원의원께서 이것에 대해 찬성을 하실지,
반대를 하실지, 아니면 아직 확실하지 않은지에 대한 대답을 말합니다.
이에 대한 대답을 이메일로 보내 주시면 감사하겠습니다. juyeon [at] krcla.org.

(1) 상원의원 바바라 박서의 사무실(202-224-3553)로 전화를 하셔서
아래의 내용을 말씀해 주십시오.

    Hi, my name is __________ and I live in ____[town]_____ [state].
    I'm calling to let Senator _________ know that I'm participating
    in an Art Exhibit that will be shown in the Rayburn House Office
    Building and Union Station the week of the inauguration. The
    exhibit, "America's Future Starts with Healthy Children,"
    showcases the importance of making sure all children have health

    I'm calling to make sure Senator __________ is supporting
    the bill to reauthorize SCHIP, and especially the removal of
    the 5 year waiting period for legal immigrant children. No child
    should have to wait for health coverage, and 5 years is a lifetime
    to a child.   

    Will the Senator support removing this waiting period?

2) 상원의원 파인스타인의 사무실( 202-224-3841)로 전화를 하셔서
아래의 내용을 말씀해 주십시오.

    Hi, my name is __________ and I live in ____[town]_____ [state].
    I'm calling to let Senator _________ know that I'm participating
    in an Art Exhibit that will be shown in the Rayburn House Office
    Building and Union Station the week of the inauguration. The
    exhibit, "America's Future Starts with Healthy Children,"
    showcases the importance of making sure all children have health

    I'm calling to make sure Senator __________ is supporting
    the bill to reauthorize SCHIP, and especially the removal of
    the 5 year waiting period for legal immigrant children. No child
    should have to wait for health coverage, and 5 years is a lifetime
    to a child.   

    Will the Senator support removing this waiting period?

미국의 미래는 건강한 어린이들에게서 시작됩니다 캠페인
Isaac, G., Bret, 김혜미(미교협) 일동 드림