수 신 : 각 언론사 기관 편집/보도국장님 발 신 : 민족학교 (이민자권익 담당 김용호) 날 짜 : 2007년 2월 23일 금요일 제 목 : 3월25일집회 1주년기념 시민참여의날 언론사 브리핑 - 2월 22일 (월) 오전 9시 안녕하십니까? 역사적인 2006년 3월 25일 LA 이민개혁 백만명 집회의 1주년에 즈음하여 여러 이민자권익 및 라티노 단체들은 2007년 3월 25일 (일요일)에 상원의원에게 이민개혁 촉구편지 보내기 캠페인과 다민족 문화 축제를 아우르는 행사 "이민자 커뮤니티의 집회: 이민자 가정에게 정의를 달라!"를 계획하고 있습니다. 준비위원회는 이를 홍보하기 위해 일련의 매체 행사를 준비하고 있으며 그 첫 일환으로서 다음 주 월요일 2월 26일 오전 9시에 기자회견 형식이 아니라 자유롭게 언론사 관계자와 이민자 단체 담당자가 만나 이야기를 나눌 수 있는 아침식사 겸 언론사 브리핑 모임을 계획하고 있습니다. 미주한인봉사교육단체가 협력단체로 참가하고 있으며 민족학교 또한 참여하게 될 본 행사의 언론사 브리핑에 참석하셔서 추후 알려주시면 유익하리라 생각합니다. -- ==== 초대의 편지는 아래에 있습니다. ===== |
Dear Korean American Media,
as the first anniversary of the historic one million March of March 25th of 2006 approaches us, various immigrant rights organizations and Latin@ organizations are gearing up for a day of civic action which will incorporate immigration reform advocacy as well as a multi-ethnic cultural celebration components, titled "First Annual Gathering of Immigrant Communities: Justice for Our Families Now!". The planning group is planning a series of media events to reach out to the community; the meeting this Monday February 26th 9 am will be a free and informal briefing in which reporters will be able to discuss and get an idea of the event from organizers. Please join us in this action, of which NAKASEC is a partner organization and the Korean Resource Center will be participating as well.--
==== Please see below the invitation letter from hosts ==== |
Dear Friend:
We would like to request the pleasure of your participation in an informal media-information breakfast to be held on Monday, February 26 , 2007 at 9: a.m. through 11 a.m. at COFEM's downtown Los Angeles offices located at The California Endowment , 3448 Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90005. This event is by invitation only.
As you may know, a committee of non-profit community organizations including APALC, CARECEN, CHIRLA, COFEM, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, NAKASEC, NALEO Educational Fund, and SALEF, is working to coordinate a successful educational indoor-rally on March 25, 2007 at the LA Sports Arena to commemorate last year's massive civic activities throughout the United States. Our main intent in planning the large gathering is to educate, celebrate, and mobilize immigrant communities throughout the Southland – Latinos, Asians, Africans, and our allies all are integral in the struggle for immigration reform in 2007. Members of the media are the bloodline in the dissemination of this message and as such we would like to spend a little bit more time with you sharing our events goals.
The First Annual Gathering of Immigrant Communities: Justice for Our Families Now! (Primer Foro Anual de Comunidades Migrantes – Justicia Para Nuestras Familias Ahora) will be highlighted by popular entertainment, elected officials, and members of the community who will urge community members to participate in the ongoing civic activities leading to the passage of an immigration reform bill. The March 25th rally will be free of charge but participants will be asked to bring a blank envelope with a .39 cent stamp to be mailed to their congressional representatives during the event. Media will be key in widespread promotion and education of this event.
Considering your rapidly changing schedules, the Monday breakfast is spread out from 9 am through 11 a.m. We hope you will find this time frame suitable and will consider joining us. To confirm your participation, kindly RSVP at (213) 346-3216.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Arturo Carmona Angela Sanbrano