풀러튼 선거구제 캠페인

6월 10일 기자회견

기자회견 자료

6월 6일 기자회견



커뮤니티 권익 단체인 민족학교는 현재 주민들과 함께 한인 커뮤니티를 대표하여 풀러튼 시 선거구제도 개편 논의에 참여 중입니다. 다가오는 공청회와 주민발의안 논의 일정에 주민들의 목소리가 요구되어 공청회와 민족학교의 준비 모임에 초대 드립니다.

선거구제도는 한 지역에 거주하는 주민들의 공통된 이익과 목소리를 반영할 수 있는 제도입니다. 한인들이 많이 거주하는 지역이 하나의 선거구가 된다면 한인들의 이익과 필요를 시정에 제대로 반영할 수 있는 후보자가 당선이 될 가능성이 높아집니다.

민족학교는 지역 단체인 OCCCO, ACLU 등과 함께 3년 전부터 이러한 활동을 준비 해 왔습니다. ACLU는 주민의 요구를 대변하여 2015년 1월에는 시청에 자발적 제도 개편을 요청하는 서한을 보내고, 대응이 늦어지자 풀러튼 시를 대상으로 민권 소송을 제기했으며, 7월에 시청 측의 제안으로 주민 의견을 수렴 한 후 2016년 11월 대통령 선거에서 주민발의안의 형태로 주민들의 최종 의견을 확인 한 후 시행하는 절차에 합의하였습니다.

참여하셔서 목소리를 낼 수 있는 방법

공청회에 참가하고자 하신다면 연락을 주시면 도와드리겠습니다.

아울러 주민들의 목소리를 하나로 모으고 추후 대응을 논의하는 한인 연장자 모임을 4월 15일 민족학교에서 가지고자 합니다. 자세한 사항은 다음 페이지를 참고 해 주세요!

민족학교 이명심 지역사회 조직활동 매니저 및 백기석 캠페인 매니저 드림

풀러튼 선거구 의견 활동을 위한 민족학교 연장자 모임
민족학교는 지역 선거구제도 개편에 대한 안내를 겸한 연장자 모임을 아래와 같이 개최합니다. 부디 참석해 주셔서 힘이 되어주실 것을 부탁드립니다.
날짜: 2016년 4월 15일 (금) 오전 10시 – 12시 (점심 제공)
장소: 민족학교 OC 사무실 (6301 Beach Bl 211호, Buena Park, CA 90621)유니티 은행 2층, Commonwealth와 Beach 길 만나는 곳
문의:이명심 (714) 869-7624  myungshim [at] krcla.org백기석 (714) 869-7624 jonathan [at] krcla.org

관련 링크

So what does city council even do?

City Council is responsible to the City's residents for all city programs and services, as well as local policy decisions affecting City residents in a wide number of areas. Examples include:

  • Access to Clean Water
  • Police Accountability
  • Land use / Development
  • Business Development

How can these issues impact neighborhoods differently throughout the city?

How do they make decisions? 

  • Currently, five city council members vote on decisions to execute plans and projects that are in the best interest of the city of Fullerton.
  • The city council meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, and these meetings are public!
  • But are the city council members currently elected where they are able to represent all the diverse neighborhoods in Fullerton right now? 

What’s going on with City Council Elections in Fullerton? 

  • Fullerton currently uses “at-large” elections to elect its City Council. 
  • Everyone in the city votes for every candidate. Every member of City Council represents the whole city. 
  • However, the at-large system in Fullerton limits the ability of city councilmembers to properly represent the concerns and issues of all residents of the city!

How will district elections affect you?

  • The City would be divided into five districts. 
  • Starting in 2018, City Council candidates would run to represent a specific district. A candidate must live in the district he or she wants to represent. 
  • This allows city council members to more accurately represent the diverse and culturally rich neighborhoods located across Fullerton.
  • District elections mean that each member of City Council will come from a district you live in.
    • He or she will understand the unique needs of your community and neighborhood. 
    • Imagine how great it would be to have a system that ensures your elected official is your neighbor!
  • District elections gives Fullerton residents a stronger voice voice
    • It will specify a leader from a particular district that residents can approach and talk to
    • What are some problems that we can think of that can impact one neighborhood in the community and not the others?
  • District lines make it easier to elect lawmakers of the community’s choice. 
  • With district-based elections, it will be harder for a City Councilmember to get elected without the support of your community and neighborhood.
  • How will district elections affect you?
  • This way, electing a member of the community is possible. Impact on city politics and policy will happen.
  • District lines must keep your community intact for you to be powerful.

Who will draw the lines?

  • David Ely, our contracted demographer, will be creating proposals around how the district lines will be drawn.
  • We will need Community members LIKE YOU from Fullerton to speak with David Ely around how to draw district lines.

How Can We Give Feedback

  • There will be two rounds of four (4) meetings each.  One meeting will be held in each quadrant (NE, NW, SE, and SW) of the city.  Each meeting is open to ALL residents of the city.
  • The city must be intentional about engaging  ALL communities. This includes hosting multiple meetings in key parts of the the city as well as during times convenient to community members

Why do People need to participate in the line-drawing process to ensure a good outcome?

Because YOU’RE the EXPERT!

Communities of Interest

  • A community of interest is a contiguous population which shares common social and economic interests that should be included within a single district for purposes of its effective and fair representation
  • Examples include:
    • Urban area, a rural area, an industrial area, or an agricultural area, and those common to areas in which the people share similar living standards, etc
    • Communities of interest shall not include relationships with political parties, Incumbents, or political candidates.

Questions to Think About

  • Where do people live? Where do they worship? Where do they spend social time? Where do they work? Where do children go to school? 
  • Where are the community spaces such as parks, community centers, and shopping centers? 
  • Do neighbors and share the same needs and interests in schools, housing, transit, health conditions, and land use?
  • Do people share a cultural or racial background or identity with others? Do they share a language with others?
  • Do they have a similar concerns to others around me because of money/income? Are they similar because of similar socio-economic status, education levels, housing?
  • Which part of Fullerton are you living in now and how long have you been living there?
  • What are the characteristics that make up “your” community and neighborhood in Fullerton?
  • When challenges arise in your neighborhood (park cleanliness, street lights, potholes), who are you inclined to approach with these problems with?
    If there were 1-2 points that you wanted the demographer to know about Fullerton, what should they know and why?
  • In groups of 3-5, have folks work through guiding questions and have them work through these questions together. After 20-30 minutes, debrief as a large group to have a few people from the audience share their 1-2 points of what they want the demographer to know and why.