we need help with our Lunar New Year Ji-Shin-Balp-Gi event at Koreatown this Saturday! If you are a junior or high school student, you can get volunteer credit hours too! To help out, please contact Hee Joo Yoon at 323-937-3718 or HJ [at] krcla.org
Ji-Shin-Balb-Gi is one of Korea’s traditional rituals, performed to the “spirits of the earth” for wishing good luck in the Lunar New Year. The ritual involves the playing of Poong-mul that unites drumming, dancing, and community celebration as one.
지신밟기는 음력 설날에 마을에서 벌어지는 새해맞이 지역공동체 축제로 춤과 음악, 풍물을 통해 마을 주민이 한마음, 한뜻이 되어, 마을 공동체의 행복과 번영을 다같이 기원하는 행사입니다.