"Safe Environment for Children" Resolution To Protect Students in Fullerton, Regardless of Status

For Immediate Release

Contact: Ashley Yu (KRC), ashley [at] krcla.org

FULLERTON, CA - As tensions in heavily immigrant populated areas grow, Fullerton Joint High School District will be given an opportunity protect children of all immigration statuses and ensure a healthy learning environment for undocumented students starting tomorrow at a Fullerton Joint High School District Board of Trustees Meeting. Fullerton has the highest number of Korean Americans in Orange County at 15,544 people and as few know, about one in seven Koreans in the US is undocumented meaning this resolution has the opportunity to affect the lives of many undocumented Korean Americans. The Korean Resource Center (KRC) will continue to advocate for the undocumented community in Orange County by advocating for this resolution.

Staff from KRC's Orange County office will attend tomorrow's District meeting to ensure that Korean American voices are heard. KRC will also be reaching out to community members in Fullerton every Saturday through canvassing, asking individuals to sign letters of support for the resolution, asking Fullerton residents to email the Fullerton Joint High School Board of Trustees, and visiting high schools and community colleges in the area to educate students on the resolution.

Orange County Director, Jonathan Paik, says "KRC has and will continue to advocate for all immigrants in Orange County. We believe that the 'Safe Environment for Children' resolution is the first step in taking a stand against Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric and ensuring that public schools advocate for all students regardless of immigration status. We trust that the Fullerton Joint High School District Board of Trustees will make the right decision to protect all of its students, regardless of their status."

Posted on 04/18/2017 - 1:54pm