Census 2010: Information regarding employment opportunities

Currently, local Census Bureau offices are outreaching to community-based organizations to support their job recruitment efforts. Information on pay and work periods are found at the following link:


Requirements for potential employees include:

- Must be a legal permanent resident or a US Citizen
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Pass a background check (which can take 2 to 4 weeks)
- Pass an employment test (28 multiple choice questions given in English. You must correctly answer 10/28 questions)
- Commit to 4 days of training (which you will be paid for)

Warning: despite meeting all requirements, employment is not guaranteed and is at a rolling basis, meaning applicants may not be notified of employment until a few months later.

We encourage you to help get the word out to our community, whether it be posting the job posting on your website, sending an email blast to members, or sharing the information to your friends and family who may be looking for employment.

Job recruitment local contact information
v Los Angeles: Myron Thomas 213-806-9585

Posted on 03/26/2009 - 3:57pm

