For a Greener Los Angeles

Vote Yes on Measure B (HyunJoo Lee, National Organizing Coordinator at the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium)

Climate change, global warming, green jobs, renewable energy – just a few years ago these words incited much debate and controversy. Advocates for government investment in a green grid, solar panels, and wind energy were told they were unrealistic and fighting a lost battle. Today however we have a different picture being painted; from federal and state legislators to conservative pundits, from school boards to immigrant rights organizations, all are joining the green bandwagon and supporting conservation and a greener approach to energy use. President Obama has also stated his support for renewable energy and the economic stimulus bill includes $50 billion for renewable energy projects, electric utilities, and other green companies while creating more than 200,000 green jobs.

On March 3, Los Angelenos will be voting on Measure B – the Solar Energy and Job Creation Program – during the Los Angeles city elections. The Measure allows Los Angeles to become a major producer of solar power by developing 400 Megawatts of electricity capacity from solar power by 2014. It will also create a Training Academy to teach new green workers and contractors who reside in Los Angeles County will be given priority – this means creating new jobs that stay in our community. And while the program will require investment, the cost savings of generating solar power will make up the difference. Measure B is the chance for Angelenos to stand together and state our commitment to a greener future. This is good news for our environment, public health, and the local economy.

That is why Korean Resource Center is urging the Korean American community to vote yes on Measure B. As an organization committed to protecting the interests and needs of the Korean American community, KRC strongly believes that Los Angeles must move towards a greener road and invest in sustainable energy so that our future generations will live in a healthy and vibrant city. Los Angeles, vote YES on Measure B!

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