President-elect Barack Obama's Presidential
Inaugural Committee made a special call
for community-based organizations to organize
activities and events for a national day
of service in celebration of the life and
legacy of civil rights leader Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.
Korean Resource Center (KRC) and National
Korean American Service & Education
Consortium (NAKASEC) are honored to participate
by hosting activities where different generations
can come together to learn and discuss the
impact Dr. King has had on all of our lives,
including immigrants and minorities living
in the U.S.
KRC and NAKASEC will hold a free citizenship
clinic as well as a children’s reading
circle where books on the life and work
of Dr. King will be read and children will
explore what his legacy means to their lives
as Korean Americans through art.
민족학교와 미교협은 민권운동가 마틴 루터
킹 박사님의 기념일을 맞아 무료 시민권 신청
클리닉와 어린이 민권 이야기 읽기 모임을
가집니다. 두 행사 모두 1월 19일 (월) 오후1시부터
5시까지 민족학교 사무실에서 열립니다. 시민권
신청을 사전에 예약을 해주십시오. 어린이
민권 이야기 읽기 모임은 예약이 필요 없습니다.