Anti-War March, Garage Sale, Glendale's Absentee Ordinance
peace march Do
you like soccer, or do you like
guns? Saturday, March 15th.
Be there. 10:30
am Drummers & KAs gather
at KRC 11:30 am API &
CFWP/UFPJ gather at Hollywood
and Argyle [more]
KRC garage sale Tons of cheap clothes, toys, and other items! Date:
March 22nd (Sat) 9am-4pm Place:
Korean Resource Center (900
Crenshaw Blvd)
absentee ordinance The
Glendale City Council voted
3-2 on February 19 to pass the
absentee ballot application
ordinance. The ordinance
prohibits all third party organizations,
including nonprofit community
groups and campaign offices,
from mailing in absentee ballot
applications. It
is a loss in protecting voter
rights, but it is not the end.
We will continue to monitor
the ordinance and fight to protect
the civic participation of all
citizens. [more]
job opening in Los Angeles NAKASEC
seeks a hard-working, talented,
and committed individual to
serve as the Immigrant Rights
Program Manager. The United
States is in the midst of radically
changing its immigration laws;
this is an opportunity to be
an active part of this historic
movement. [more]
행진 힘찬 풍물소리와
함께 부당한 이라크 전쟁을
중단할 것을 요구하는 행진에
참여해주십시오. 3월15일
(토) 오전 10:30 풍물패 및 한인
민족학교에서 집결 오전 11:30
Hollywood & Argyle으로 이동 [자세히]
민족학교 창고세일 싼
옷과 장난감, 기타 물건들이 잔뜩
있어요! 일시:
3월22일 (토) 오전 9시-오후4시 장소: 민족학교
Crenshaw Blvd)
부재자투표 조례안 글렌데일시가
결국 유권자의 임시 우편투표 신청서 작성을 비영리단체나 제3자가 도와줄
수 있도록 허용했습니다. [자세히]
공지: 이민자권익 활동가 미주한인봉사교육단체협의회에서
이민자권익 활동가를 찾습니다.
2.19 T
Opposed the passage of the
Glendale ordinance at the city
council meeting.
글렌데일 시 의회에 참여해
조례안 통과를 반대했습니다.
2.21 R
ORAnGE members met to revisit
the context of their work.
how to protect yourself from foreclosures Jeong
Yeon Hong, NAKASEC Community Ed. Coordinator Preparing
in advance and having a plan around your
finances is the best way to protect your
위험신호' 막으려면 홍정연 미주한인봉사교육단체협의회
커뮤니티 교육 코디네이터 크레딧에서
부터 차압에 이르기까지 금융에 관한 한 미리
준비하고 계획을 세우는 것만한 정도(正道)는
없을 것이다. [자세히]
congress is taking the wrong path on immigration Ju
Cha, YKASEC Advocacy Director The
SAVE Act is a bad, bad bill.
연방의회 이민법안 차주범 청년학교 교육부장 SAVE
Act는 이민자 단속을 위해 필요한 조치가 집대성된 반이민
악법이다. [자세히]
The Korean Resource Center (KRC) empowers
the Korean American, low-income immigrant
and people of color communities through
social services, education, culture, advocacy,
and grassroots organizing. [more]