RE: AB 3179 (Salas) –State Agencies: Bilingual Services– SUPPORT

The Honorable Anthony Portantino
Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee
State Capitol, Room 2206
Sacramento, CA  95814

RE: AB 3179 (Salas) –State Agencies: Bilingual Services– SUPPORT

Dear Chairman Portantino,

I am pleased to support Assembly Bill (AB) 3179, which will require state agencies, bureaus, boards, and commissions to increase bilingual services and language access by modifying the definition of “substantial number of non-English speaking people” from 5% to 3% or more of the people served by the statewide or local office or facility of a state agency.

This bill will have ramifications for many California communities, increasing bilingual services and thereby increasing language access and greater autonomy for Californian residents.  By accessing resources and services in languages in which they are most comfortable, we have the ability to transform the lives of Californians.  Communities in the Central Valley, such as Hmong-speakers and Punjabi-speakers will especially benefit, by increasing services to these communities and others.

We strongly support AB 3179 because allowing for the improvement in bilingual services and increasing the ability for all Californians to access critical services and resources builds a healthier, stronger, and more engaged community.  


Jonathan Paik
Executive Director
Korean Resource Center