Our communities still face uncertainty about their futures and it is time that we push congress members to support immigrants and push for #Citizenship4All! Come out and join us as we tell Mimi Walters to be on the right side of history.
The Korean Resource Center and other key community partners will be hosting a candlelight vigil of Congressmember Mimi Walters' office.
We have been waiting for years for a comprehensive immigration reform. When Congress does nothing, it has become our people's duty and responsibility to send a clear message of the urgency to find a permanent solution now and fight for #Citizenship4All.
Congress, the White House, and our leadership NEED TO show up for our communities!
Please feel free to invite folx, but be mindful! Thanks!
Parking Instructions:
- If possible, please carpool!
- Come by 4:45pm! There is a parking structure on the side is free the first two hours, but the parking lot across the street (the plaza with Mother's, Starbucks, etc).
*If you need a ride, please contact KRC!
*Feel free to bring your own signs!