Are you a victim of housing discrimination?

If you have been denied your housing rights, you may have experienced unlawful discrimination.

Fill out form HUD-903.1 (English) or HUD-901.1K (Korean). There are problems with the Korean form, however - some characters are broken, and Chinese language pages are mixed up with Korean pages, and we have revised the document.

If you live in California, please mail the form to the address below:

Fair Housing Hub
U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development|
600 Harrison Street, Third Floor
San Francisco, CA 94107-1300
Telephone (415) 489-6524 or 1-800-347-3739
Fax (415) 489-6558 • TTY (415) 436-6594
E-mail: Complaints_office_09 [at]

For other regions, please refer to this HUD page.

You can also file a complaint online through the HUD website.