All-Volunteers Meeting
September 22 6:00 pm,
2007 Korean
Resource Center 900 S Crenshaw
Bl, Los Angeles, CA
90015 (map)
join us at a KRC all-volunteers
meeting next Saturday 9/22 at
6pm at KRC. We will be planning
together for Health Day (10/6)
and KRC & NAKASEC's joint
Fundraiser Dinner (10/19). [read
Free Education Workshop
September 27 6:30 pm,
2007 Korean
Resource Center 900 S Crenshaw
Bl, Los Angeles, CA
90015 (map)
What is credit?, Building your
credit history and maintaining
your credit score, Understanding
your credit score, How to protect
yourself against ID fraud &
what to do if you are a victim
of ID fraud. Inquiries: Jeong
Yeon Hong jhong [at] nakasec.org
323-937-3703 x204 [read

Activity Highlights - First
Half of 2007
has compiled a highlight of
its activities from January
until June of 2007:
- commemorating
the late Han Bong Yoon
- Health
Community Health Promoters,
Immigrant Day, California
Health Reform
- Immigrant
Rights: Dreams Across
America, Access to Public
Education, ORAnGE and DREAM
Campaign, National APA Mobilization
for Humane Immigration Reform,
Night of 1,000 Conversations
- Civic
Participation: Naturalization
Clinics, Mobilize the Immigrant
- Culture:
- Solidarity:
Wilshire Plaza Hotel Workers
- Social
Service: Low-Income
Tax Clinic, Legal Clinic
- Education:
Contamined Fish, Credit,
ESL Classes, Summer Youth
- Asian
Pacific Community Fund Grant
go read those highlights]
Activities at a Glance
- 159
appointments for Health
Day filled up on
the same day it was announced
in the press,
and there is a growing waiting
list. Have you considered
volunteering? Contact Caroline
Lee at caroline [at] krcla.org
or 323-937-3718
the "SSA
No-Match" and
Your Rights"
Guides were released on Sept
6th, dozens of community
members called KRC &
NAKASEC with questions,
and the websites
received thousands of extra
hits over the weekend. It
is estimated that at least three
hundred people obtained
information on the
proposed SSA No-Match guidelines
and their rights in case
of a raid or interrogation
by an ICE agent.
KRC started the first session
of senior computer classes.
Ten seniors learned the
basic operations of saving
and opening files, and were
introduced to a typing
practice program. (photos)
- 9.13
Participants at the study group
discussed the first Gulft
War from a historical
and political perspective
and analyzed the documentary
Wars of Desert Storm".
in the News
& NAKASEC's activities were
covered by the media in the
articles below. Links to Korean
language news articles can be
found at the bottom of this
- 9.13
What should you do when
you receive a "No-Match"
letter? Chapter 2: Guide
for Employers (Kyocharo)
- 9.13
Do not get confused when
you receive a SSN No Match
letter: YKASEC publishes
guide for employers and
workers (Korea Times)
- 9.12
Harsh Enforcement against
the Undocumented: Gain or
Loss? (Koreana News)
- 9.10
[Issue Analysis] Immigration
Reform Can Strengthen Our
Economy: the consumer
market is freezing because
of increased raids; No-Match
letter needs to be repealed.
Dae Joon Yoon, Korean Resource
Center Executive Director.
(Korea Daily)
- 9.7
KRC publishes guide for
undocumented immigrants
(Koreatown Daily)
- 9.6
Letter Guides (KTAN)
- 9.6
Free Health Checkups: to
take place at Olympic Presbyterian
Church on the 6th of next
month (Koreatown Daily)
- 9.1
Community Network: Youth
Power, Camp Pride For Korean
Adoptees, Celebrating a
Visionary, Quick Updates,
NAKASEC Banquet (KoreAm
new at KRC & NAKASEC?
2007 was a busy season for KRC
& NAKASEC's seven interns
and volunteers. Most were involved
in carrying out the Summer Youth
Empowerment program. We wish
them the best, and hope for
them to come back.
- Erica
Hwang (5/16-7/20) assisted
the Dreams
Across America Tour
campaign with a focus on
legislative work. Erica
is a senior majoring in
Political Science at the
University of Hawaii at Manoa.
- Sungkyung
Cho (6/4-7/21) made
inroads with KRC's UCSD
AB540 denial case and
other cases involving access
to public education. Sungkyung
is a junior majoring in
Economics at the University
of Pennsylvania.
- Jaehan
Chung (6/28-8/27) analyzed
and categorized Southern
California ZIP codes
by Congressional Districts
and CIR picture postcard
campaign. Jaehan
is a junior at Fairfax High
- Esther
Choi (7/5-8/21) assisted
the Digital Story (documentary
making) component of the
Summer program, and edited
the documentary "Two
Homes, One Heart".
Esther is a senior at the
Los Angeles Center for Enriched
- Andrew
Jung (7/10-8/17), high
school junior from Toledo,
OH, met with legislators
and conveyed a sense of
the urgent passage of humane
immigration reform
that brings families together.
He also presented on the
history of Asian American
immigration at the Summer
Study Group.
- Green
Son (8/1-9/7) designed
the "Know
Your Rights"
guide and is organizing UCSD
AB540 students. Green
is a senior at Granada Hills
High School.
- Grace
Kim (8/20-9/4), worked
on the "AB540:
Frequently Asked Questions"
guide. Grace is a former
Joo Young Lee Scholarship
recipient and a public school
Fall, KRC & NAKASEC welcome
new fellows and staff:
- Becky
Bae, Immigrant Rights
Program Associate at NAKASEC,
provides local advocacy
and community education
on access to education and
- Hana
Choi, 5.18 Foundation
Fellow at KRC's Health Access
project, provides health
access services and education
and conducts the senior
computer class. Hana
is a senior majoring in
Business Administration
at Chonnam National University.
- Kwang
Choon Lim, 5.18
Foundation Fellow at KRC's
Immigrant Rights project,
provides naturalization
and permanent residency
renewal services. Kwang
Choon is a junior majoring
in Trade at Dankook University.
- Daniel
Wu, Health Access
intern at KRC, is a
college sophomore majoring
in International Relations
and Public Health with a
pre-med emphasis and
is interested in bringing
the youth voice in
the health access debate.
- Jung
Hee Kim (3/28-8/21),
fellow at KRC, assisted
the Tea House Fundraiser
for the APA Mobilization
for Immigration Reform and
maximized Korean American naturalization at
KRC during 2007.
& Education
- M
1pm, 3pm - Senior Computer Class
- T,W,TH
9am - Healthy Families,
Medicare Part D, Medi-Cal
- W
5:30pm - ORAnGE (Youth
Group) Meetings
- W
7:30pm - Young Adults Poongmul
- TH 1:30
pm - Legal Document Filing
/ Naturalization Application
/ Permanent Resident Card
Renewal (appointment required)
- F
- KRC is closed to
walk-ins for internal meetings
and outreach
- The
Urgent Care Center at Martin
Luther King Hospital
is open 7 days a week, 8:00
am until midnight to handle
routine, emergency medical
care, such as colds, fevers,
sprains and other minor
injuries and illnesses.
Outpatient clinics are also
open. If you have an appointment,
please keep it. For updated
information on services
available, call 211. The
emergency department at
the hospital has closed.
For a life-threatening emergency,
call 911.