Labor Day Mass

Join workers who struggle for better working conditions, justice and dignity for all.

Monday, September 3, 2007
10:00 a.m.

At the Labor Day Mass, Cardinal Roger Mahony will challenge our community to commit to faithful citizenship so that we can address the issues that matter most to us:

•Legalization and the right to higher education for immigrant families
•Workers’ right to organize
•Healthcare for all
•Affordable Housing

Presided by:

Cardinal Roger Mahony
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels

555 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-2707

For more information, please call the
Office of Justice and Peace at (213) 637-7690

Sponsored by: CHIRLA, CLUE, The Circulo Pampangueno of California-USA, Inc., Hermandad Mexicana, IDEPSCA, Justice and Peace Commission, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFLCIO, Korean Resource Center, NAKASEC, National Lawyers Guild, ONE LA-I.A.F, SEIU 1877, SEIU SOULA 2006, SEIU United Health Care Workers West, SEIU United Long Term Workers, SO. CA. District Council of Laborers, UCLA Labor Center, UNITE HERE! Local 11, UFW and UTLA *

*Partial list.