Fullerton Capital Fundraising Campaign

Since 2006, the Korean Resource Center (KRC) has worked to change the fabric of Orange County and continue to empower low-income, immigrant, Asian American and Pacific Islander, and communities of color. To meet the needs of our community, we first commuted from our LA office for several years, then rented one desk in 2013, and then rented an office space in Buena Park in 2014. With each step, you stayed with us. The last 12 years have been an amazing journey only made possible with your support. 

Now, KRC has grown exponentially and needs a permanent space to support and house our work.

KRC’s civic engagement program for college and high school youth, Leaders of the New School, started in 2016 with 14 members and has grown to 65 members today. Our youth and over 200 volunteers have helped us register and educate 15,096 Asian American & Pacific Islanders voters, contact 48,843 registered voters and confirm support from 37,489 voters on the issues that our members care about, such as education funding and criminal justice system reform. This year, we plan to register 1,000 voters and engage potential voters at 12 different campuses in Southern California. We have been growing our portfolio of services and recently hired a full-time attorney who will assist community members in the OC office and provide vital legal services and representation, including deportation defense, U-Visas, T Visas, SIJS cases, and more.

To fully support our civic engagement, services, and organizing campaigns, we need a space for all our staff and volunteers to work, collaborate, and celebrate victories together. Please help us raise $150,000 to purchase a building that will serve as a community space. 

The time is NOW. And every donation counts. Every gift will be an important step towards opening the doors of our new building and is 100% tax-deductible. From $5 to $1,000, we appreciate any amount you can give because together, we can build Orange County’s future.

For large donations or multi-year pledges of support, please contact Youngran Kim, Operations Coordinator, at phone # and youngran [at] krcla.org.

Thank you being a part of our new home and its future!

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