업데이트: 현재 더 이상 이 자리에 대한 지웑자를 모집하지 않고 있습니다.
민족학교는 청소년 조직, 이민자 부모 조직, 그리고 연장자 조직 활동을 펼치고 있는 활동가들을 총괄하는 LA 조직부장 직책을 신설하고 이에 신청자들을 모집합니다. 민족학교는 커뮤니티 조직 활동을 통해 주민들이 민족학교의 회원이 되어 신뢰 관계를 쌓고 사회 현안에 대한 이해와 리더십을 길러 각종 활동에 참여하며 활동을 이끌 수 있도록 활동을 펼치고 있습니다.
민족학교는 "바르게 살자”, “뿌리를 알자”, “굳세게 살자”, “더불어 살자” 라는 교훈 아래 1983년에 설립 되었고, 봉사, 교육, 문화, 권익옹호, 선거 참여, 그리고 커뮤니티 조직 활동과 아시아-태평양계, 저소득층, 이민자, 그리고 유색인종 연대 강화를 통해 정의롭고 인도적인 미국 사회를 건설하고자 하는 비영리 단체입니다.
Start Date: November 15, 2018
Los Angeles Organizing Program Management (50%)
- Develop LA Organizing Team’s Workplan in working with team members
- Produce and maintain relevant work & grant reports and other documentation
- Provide volunteers field training around door knocking, phone banking, legislative visits (local, state, federal)
- Coordinate educational workshops and guest speaking opportunities for KRC staff around issues in LA city and county
- Speak on behalf of KRC at coalition meetings and make strategic organizational decisions on behalf of KRC
- Supervise education and mobilization for rapid-response campaign opportunities for Los Angeles staff, interns, and volunteers
Los Angeles Organizing Team Management (40%)
- Participate in the Senior Team meetings to develop KRC’s overall policy priorities, strategies on organizing and local campaigns
- Lead the organizing team meetings and conduct one-on-one meetings with each team member regularly
- Develop and build the leadership of LA organizing staff and volunteer leaders to strengthen capacity, reach, and scope of power building in LA
- Ensure that all organizing programs with multi-generational base work to fight both for individual campaigns as well as campaigns with unified priorities
Event Management & Logistics (5%)
- Provide assistance on logistics for community events for staff in both Los Angeles and Orange County including KRC’s UNITY membership meetings and annual fundraising events
Database Management (5%)
- Entering and maintaining volunteer data in PowerBase
- Assist in developing database system use
- Coordinate with Director of Digital for PDI Data needs
- Commitment to immigrant rights and social justice
- At least 3 years of community organizing or civic engagement experience (at least 1 year based in the U.S.)
- Fluency in Korean and English preferred
- The LA Organizing Director will be supervised by and report to the Executive Director
- The LA Organizing Director will work primarily from KRC’s Crenshaw Office
Salary and Benefits
Salary: Commensurate with experience
- Health, dental, vision insurance available after successful completion of a three month introductory period
- Paid vacation and personal days
How to apply
Please fill out KRC's job application form