Service Learning at Cal State Fullerton

Service Learning seeks to introduce students to social justice work and community activism. Every week for ten weeks, 17 students from CSUF attended KRC for 3 hours a week to learn what it means to be part of a community and help work on our campaigns. Our final week ended the last week of April and the class was wrapped up on May 13. Overall, the students were able to learn about KRC, learn our campaigns (primarily Citizenship4ALL and Health4ALL), and work on different plans to: create a Trick or Vote canvass list for CSUF, create a project to help identify stories to help supplement campaigns, and help kick start our Youth Organizing Membership plan.

Of these students, 2 travelled with us to Sacramento to advocate for Health4All. Additionally, 3 students joined FOREground for the last remaining weeks to learn more about our community. One service learner has attended many FOREground meetings, joined us for Sacramento, phone banks with us in both Korean and English, and will be applying for our LNS internship. There are currently 3 CSUF service learners who will be applying for our internship.

Posted on 06/18/2019 - 3:56pm