
watch us at the presidential forum On
December 1st, 5,000 people from
across the country and Iowa
will be on hand to participate
in an unique presidential candidates
event - the Iowa Presidential
Heartland Forum. Confirmed to
participate are hopefuls Sen.
Hillary Clinton, Sen. Chris
Dodd, Sen. John Edwards, Rep.
Dennis Kucinich, and Sen. Barack
Obama. Instead of talking to
each other, candidates will
address questions directly posed
to them by community members
on the issues of the day - healthcare,
jobs, immigration, clean elections,
environment, and housing.
on event]
 KRC is sending 5
of LA's finest, including Kim
Hee Pok (Grandma Kim) and Hur
Soon Hee halmuni - to join a
busload of other APAs traveling
to Des Moines from Chicago to
attend the event. What's even
more exciting is that you too
can participate. C-SPAN will
be airing the forum live 12
p.m. - 2 p.m. (PDT) and we would
like to invite you to watch
it with us.
Events are on Saturday, December
1st, on Pacific Daylight Time
(Los Angeles time)
Viewing Party Time:
PM Place: Jiwon (KRC Board
member)'s Parents Info: Yongho
Kim at 323-937-3718
& LACAN Echo Event Time:
10 AM - 2
PM Place: LA Community Action
Network 456 S Main St, LA
CA 90013 (map) Info:
(213) 385-8010 or (213) 228-0024
on Cable or Online Time:
PM Cable: C-SPAN 1 Online: c-span.org/watch
or Movement
Vision Lab


 weekly medicare part d seminars Over the
past weeks, hundreds of seniors
have sought help from KRC, as
disruptive changes in Medicare
Part D may produce unexpected
extra costs with higher premiums
and smaller prescription drug
formularies for many senior
beneficiaries. It is recommended
that seniors review their plans
to see if all their prescription
drugs will be covered in the
2008 plans.
 KRC is
holding enrollment seminars
every Tuesday and Thursday -
call 323-937-3718 to
make a reservation.


application guidelines for AB540
students If you are
an undocumented student and
have trouble filing the UC,
CSU, CC or Common online
application, visit KRC's website to obtain
new step-by-step
instructions. [more]

11.19 M
Multi-ethnic community organizations
gathered at MIV's
third MOVE session to gear
up for 2008.
다민족 커뮤니티 단체들의
이민자선거참여 연합체인 MIV가
세번째 모임을 가져 2008년 선거시즌을 준비하였습니다.
11.20 T
Immigrant rights organizations
visited Rep. Xavier Becerra
to reiterate the need for humane
reform and seek advice on the
possibilities within congress.
KRC delivered DREAM postcards.
이민자권익 단체들은 베세라
하원의원을 방문하여 이민개혁의
필요성을 재차 강조하고 의회의
최근 향방에 대하여 조언을 구했습니다.
민족학교는 드림엽서카드를 전달했습니다.
11.26 M
Held a press conference to
announce KRC's participation
in the Heartland Presidential
기자회견을 열어 대선후보포럼
참가를 알렸습니다.
immigrants and elections Dae J. Yoon, KRC Exec. Dir. |

The reality is that 45% of Korean Americans
are ineligible to vote. In this
context, our vote is not merely
an individual right, but has
been entrusted to each one of
us with the responsibility
of representing an entire community.
커뮤니티와 미국 대선 윤대중
민족학교 사무국장 |
코리안 아메리칸 커뮤니티의
45% 이상의 동포들이 투표권을
갖고 있지 못한 현실에서 한 개인의
투표권은 개인을 떠나 커뮤니티
전체를 대표할 수 있는 책임이다. [자세히]
the public debate front Ju
Cha, YKASEC Advocacy Dir.

While the pro-immigrant camp
pushed congress members for
a single immigration reform
law, anti-immigrant forces effectively
created negative images of immigrants
in public discourse. Immigrants
cannot be recognized for
our contributions to society,
unless we win the public
밀린 '친이민' 차주범 청년학교 교육부장 |
이민자 진영이 단일한 이민
관련 법안의 의회통과에 목매며
정치인들을 만나는 동안 반이민
세력은 미국 대중이 이민자 커뮤니티에
적대적인 생각을 갖도록 논리를
개발하고 유포했다. 앞으로 이민자가
미국에서 존재가치를 인정 받기
위해선 여론싸움에서 승리해야
한다. [자세히]

the Torch of Dreams (IMAGE
꿈의 횃불을 들고 (IMAGE)
10.27 Sa
My Unforgetable Experience
at NAKASEC and the Immigrant
Rights Movement: interview with
Mi Hye Choi, KOPION intern class
of '00 (jewel1109)
같았던 8개월간의 미국 시민운동
체험기: 2기 최미혜 귀국단원
인터뷰 (최강내숭) |
11.10 Sa
YKASEC Rises as a Civil Rights
Organization (NewSis)
뉴욕 민권단체로 우뚝' 23주년
연례만찬 (뉴시스)
11.15 R
Eun Sook Lee, Executive Director
of NAKASEC, Receives NILC's
Immigrant Rights Advocacy Award
(Yonhap News, Maeil Economy,
Korea Daily A6, Korea Times
A6, JBC Broadcasting, Korea Times)
권익 옹호상' 받는 재미동포:
이은숙씨 "세대와 언어 초월해
한 목소리내야" (연합뉴스, 매일경제, 중앙일보, 한국일보, 중앙방송, 한국일보) |
KRC Launches "Medi-Cal
Language Access Campaign"
(Dongpo News)
한국어 편지받기 운동’전개
11.17 Sa
"No-Match Letter"
Could Proceed
Next Year: SSA working on fixing
problems (Korea Times A2, Korea
Times A3)
레터’ 내년 재추진: 사회보장국
문제점 보완후 (한국일보, 한국일보)
11.27 T
KRC to Participate in the
Heartland Presidential Forum:
together, we build America's
future! (Koreatown Daily B2,
Korea Daily A4, Korea Times
A6, Chicago Korea Daily A1, JBC, KTAN)
대선후보포럼 '함께 일구는 미국의
미래' 참가 (코리아타운 데일리, 중앙일보, 한국일보, 시카고
중앙일보, 중앙방송, KTAN) |
더 보기]

KRC welcomes Jung Hyuk Lim, our new health
access intern. Jung Hyuk will be studying
car design in college and is working
on the Medicare Part D seminars.
민족학교의 임정혁 의료권익 인턴을
환영합니다. 대학에서 자동차 디자인을 공부하려고
하는 임정혁씨는 메디케어 파트D를 돕고 있습니다.
