KRC is researching and providing this list of appartments that have open waiting lists. We also help people fill out the waiting list applications - to make an appointment, please call 323-937-3718
As Democratic presidential candidates tackle the fraught issue, undergraduates at Georgetown University have proposed a fund to benefit descendants of 272 slaves sold by the school nearly two centuries ago.
Founded by local community-based organizations in 1994, NAKASEC’s mission is to organize Korean and Asian Americans to achieve social, racial and economic justice. NAKASEC’s Affiliates empower the most vulnerable community members including the low-income, recent immigrants, limited English proficient, undocumented, youth, women, and seniors. The Policy Director will lead NAKASEC’s work to implement its federal policy agenda. NAKASEC’s policy agenda is created and informed by its grassroots bases.
The undersigned organizations join together to ask you to co-sponsor the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019. This bill provides a one-time opportunity for experienced agricultural workers to apply for legal status if they show consistent employment in U.S. agriculture and meet other criteria. This bill is a bridge until broader reform can be enacted and will provide desperately needed legal status for farmworkers to stabilize the agricultural economy.

Take action to protect the health of ALL Californians, including our undocumented community members! Tell your legislators to support access to comprehensive Medi-Cal for all low-income Californians, regardless of immigration status. Sign & share this #Health4All petition from the Health4All Coalition and Courage Campaign today.
Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) reintroduced long-stalled legislation Tuesday to create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. The legal status of “dreamers,” as those immigrants are commonly known, has been a major flash point in the immigration policy debate since President Trump rolled back an Obama-era order protecting them from deportation. He was later blocked by a federal appeals court, but dreamers still live with uncertainty.
Today, U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), and Tim Kaine (D-Va.) introduced the Safe Environment from Countries Under Repression and in Emergency (SECURE) Act. This legislation would allow qualified Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) recipients to apply for legal permanent residency. Jonathan Paik, Executive Director of KRC, said, “Termination of the Temporary Status Program (TPS) also impacts Asian Americans. We applaud Senator Van Hollen for advocating for much needed relief for TPS recipients across the country. We understand this is a stepping stone towards citizenship for all.”
The Trump administration is hardening its legal position toward Obamacare, arguing now that the entire law is unconstitutional in a shift that promises to bring the issue to the forefront of the 2020 election campaign.
On behalf of our organizations, and in light of the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, where a gunman shot and killed over 50 Muslim worshipers, we ask the Department of Justice, in conjunction with relevant law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to address the alarming rise of white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology by establishing a more robust system of hate crime data-collection and security measures of Muslim houses of worship and affiliated properties.
Learn about community-based issues of racial, immigration, economic justice while connecting it to local and national issues and movements